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I’m Jennifer Bradley, a speech-language pathologist and mom of three who’s passionate about helping families unlock the magic of early communication. With over a decade of experience working with children from birth to post-secondary, I’ve seen how powerful play and everyday routines can be in building strong language foundations. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed or just looking for guidance, I’m here to help.


As a mom, I’ve experienced the same worries and questions many of you have. Am I doing enough? Is my child on track?

My professional journey began in 2010 as a speech-language pathologist working with children of all ages. But it wasn’t until I became a mom myself that I truly understood the challenges of finding time and confidence to support language development.

That’s why I’m passionate about sharing practical, proven strategies parents can actually use.


I created this course to take the guesswork out of early language development for parents. Too often, families feel overwhelmed by milestones or unsure how to help their little ones communicate. I wanted to offer a simple, step-by-step approach based on my years of expertise and experience. This course is about giving you the tools, confidence, and connection to make communication growth feel natural and fun.


At the heart of everything I do is the belief that parents are their child’s most powerful teacher. I value simplicity—because parenting is busy enough—and practicality, so everything I share fits into your real life. Above all, I believe in celebrating progress over perfection. Every moment of connection matters, and I’m here to help you make the most of them.